New Zealand born Sasha Carlson (guitar/singer) loves to go on vacation. He basically lives for it. During one such vacation, he met Aussie born Toto Vivian (guitar/keys/BV’s), and the two bonded over a strong love of life and music. Spending the summer in the idyllic setting of Bryon Bay, the two soaked in the sun and spit it out into a bunch of well-crafted, neo-shoegaze, pop songs.
With summer coming to a close, Sasha convinced Toto to help him continue his vacation by taking a trip to London. After hanging out in the East End of London, they decided to make the vacation a permanent one. Joining up with British Thomas Beal (bass), they took up in a Hackney bedroom to self-record. Booked for their first gig, they had one problem – no drummer. Flying buddy Jacob Moore (drums) in from New Zealand a week before the gig, SPLASHH, named after a favorite childhood water park, has gotten off to a furious start and has never looked back.
Described as making happy, sun-drenched music that is inspired by the nostalgic spirit of the 90’s, Splashh’s sound is based on distorted grooves, dreamy nostalgia and melody. Filled with carefree attitude, their music transports the listener to the summers of yesteryear kicking back with good friends. It sounds of dreamy fuzz being thrust through the walls of your neighbor’s garage as the ‘slackers on summer holiday’ dream of adventure, fun and the open road. Leaving the beaches behind for a small bedroom in Hackney, the result is a myriad of floating fuzz laden grunge pop tunes with a punk twist.
Featuring singles “Vacation”, “Need It”, and “All I Wanna Do”, assembled together with unreleased material, Comfort will be released via Brooklyn indie Kanine Records this summer.