"Lawrence, Kansas' favorite sons (and daughter), Cowboy Indian Bear, make both a reaffirmation and a grand leap forward with their second full-length album Live Old, Die Young. It was captured alongside producer/engineer Joshua Browning and over three years that included a grueling touring regimen through multiple blizzards, blown tires, shouting matches in art galleries, travels to exotic locales and the loss of beloved family members. Trust that the joys and adversities of that period all find their way onto LO,DY in multiple ways. If their debut album Each Other All The Time was about constructing a framework, the laying of a foundation, their latest collection of ethereal indie rock is about the subtleties and embellishments that turn a house into a home. The individual memories and collective hardships of the quartet are spread throughout LO,DY like family portraits on a mantle. While all the pictures may be beautifully rendered and cleanly framed at first glance, a deeper look suggests something a little more difficult to work around. But life is not as linear as it is often idealized. Once again those challenges, both musically and narratively, are being put forth in Cowboy Indian Bear's work. LO,DY, however, is a testament to bonding, growth and family ties. If you look a bit closer the results are likely better – a lot better – than the last time you paid a visit. Maybe stay a while this time."